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All about Meeting Scorecards

Scorecards offer a systematic way for managers, enablement teams, and sales representatives to evaluate meetings.

Marcel Seibold avatar
Written by Marcel Seibold
Updated over a week ago

Why is this important?

Meeting scorecards help you define the performance criteria for success and reviewing it as part of your sales coaching framework for continued success and to elevate your team's performance.

  1. Team Consistency: With standardized feedback templates, everyone is on the same page, ensuring a uniform feedback experience.

  2. Structured Feedback: No more ambiguous or generic feedback. Our templates ensure feedback is actionable, specific, and aligned with best practices.

  3. Scale Your Coaching: Sales leaders can now effortlessly pinpoint areas for improvement and provide targeted coaching, ensuring the entire sales team thrives.

  4. Fostering a Feedback Culture: Create an environment where feedback is not just given and received but is actively sought after for growth, leading to alignment across teams, departments, and organizations.


Meeting scorecards

Scorecards are a set of questions you can define freely, always including a 1-5 rating and an overall rating. This way, you can ensure that every recording is rated on the same criteria and that the understanding of outstanding performance is aligned across teams.

As a best practice, we recommend adding context to each question.
For example, you could explain why the question matters, which segment of the conversation it relates to, and explain what a perfect score would look like.

Meeting feedback

When a user submits feedback on a recording using a scorecard, we call this meeting feedback. All questions in Meeting feedback are optional except for the overall rating, which allows for monitoring quantitative feedback trends.

How to manage meeting feedback templates

Create your first scorecard

  1. Open to the Coaching Tab. Please note that you need to be an admin to do that.

  2. Enter a meaningful name, indicating which team or role is considered
    (e.g. AE - Demo vs SDR - Discovery)

  3. Choose either an empty form or one of our templates as the foundation for your scorecard form.

  4. You can now add/edit the questions you desire. We recommend a maximum of 10 so as not to overwhelm your team.

  5. You did it. Congratulations on your first scorecard! πŸŽ‰

⚑Pro Tip: Upon clicking "New Scorecard," you have the option to begin with an empty scorecard, allowing you to edit it from scratch. Alternatively, you can choose from one of the Demodesk templates to speed up the process, as shown below.

Enhancing Your Meeting Scorecards: Question Library & AI Auto-Optimization

To create a scorecard, you can either select relevant questions from the library or add your own custom questions to suit your specific needs. Feel free also to mix & match questions from our Library with your custom ones.Β 

Using the Question Library

The Question Library offers a set of predefined questions aligned with popular evaluation frameworks such as BANT, SPICED, and MEDDIC.

Adding Custom Questions

You don't find a question that fits your purpose in our library? Don't worry, we've got you covered! You can add your own custom questions and our AI-powered optimization will help you improve them. You just need to click on "Save" after you have crafted your scorecard, and our question optimization will run automatically and provide you with suggestions.

Guidelines for Prompting Effective Questions:

  1. Keep questions short and focused on a single topic.

  2. Avoid using "I" or "You" to prevent confusion. Instead, refer to specific roles (e.g., "How did the sales rep handle objections?").

  3. Focus on observable actions during the meeting (e.g., "Did the sales rep get buy-in for the agenda?").

  4. Avoid subjective or visual questions (e.g., "Did the sales rep smile?" is not supported).

  5. Always provide context when necessary (e.g., define terms like "Tier 2 cities" if needed).

Edit / Duplicate / Deactivate / Delete scorecards

All your actions on scorecards can be triggered by clicking on "..."

  • Edit: Allows you to edit an existing scorecard.

  • Duplicate: Allows you to duplicate an existing scorecard

  • Deactivate: This means a scorecard can no longer be selected for meeting feedback. This is useful if you want to stop using a scorecard or are not finished updating it yet.

  • Delete: You can delete the scorecard. Please note that there is no way to recover it so make sure you want to do it.

Rollout a scorecard to your team

Start with creating your first scorecard - either by scratch or using one of our templates as the starting point. Think about what you want to improve in your team. Is your goal to have better discovery meetings, or should the product demo improve? You should create a scorecard for that specific goal. Consider what a perfect meeting would look like and formulate that as questions (e.g. "Did the sales rep get a buy-in for the agenda"). We recommend starting with one or two scorecards initially so as not to overwhelm your team to minimize your setup effort and get results immediately. You can always create more later.

Once you are happy with your results, activate the scorecard so it is available for your team. Ideally, you walk your team through the scorecard and get their buy-in by also giving them an opportunity to provide feedback. Make sure you set clear goals and a clear cadence on how many recordings should be scored per month for maximum impact.

Good to know:

  • You can re-order your questions.

  • Every question will have a quantitative rating option from 1-5 and a comment box to add qualitative feedback.

  • The overall score will be added automatically.

  • You can deactivate scorecards if you are still working on them and you do not want your team to use them already.


Demodesk offers a library of templates for your scorecard form that you can use and customize as needed, when creating a new scorecard. Additionally, feel free to explore the additional templates below, which you can easily copy and paste into your scorecard.

AE - Self-Reflection


What were the key events of this sales meeting, and what stood out to me the most?
Did I achieve the main objectives I set for this meeting? If not, what hindered me?


How did I feel during different stages of the meeting?
Were there moments of confidence, uncertainty, or frustration?
What were my thoughts about the customer's reactions and responses?
Did they align with my expectations?


What parts of the meeting went well, and why do I feel this way?
In which areas did I face challenges?
How did these moments make me feel, and why? Were there any surprises?


Reflecting on this meeting, what valuable lessons have I learned about myself and my approach?
In hindsight, what could I have done differently to enhance the meeting's effectiveness?
What specific changes will I implement, and what skills or knowledge do I need to develop or improve to feel better about my next meetings?

AE - Product Demo

Just copy and paste these questions into your Demodesk scorecard

[Product Understanding]

Did the AE demonstrate a deep understanding of the product and its features during the demo?

[Value Proposition]

Was the AE effective in communicating the unique value proposition of the product to the prospect?

[Addressing Specific Needs]

Did the AE tailor the demo to address the specific needs and pain points identified during the discovery call?

[Engagement and Interaction]

Was the demo interactive, with the AE encouraging questions and feedback from the prospect throughout?

[Budget Discussion]

Did the AE tactfully discuss the product's pricing and ensure the prospect has the budget for it?

[Urgency Creation]

Was the AE successful in creating a sense of urgency for the prospect to move forward with the product?

[Solution Fit]

Did the AE effectively showcase how the product can be a solution to the prospect's challenges?

[Handling Objections]

How well did the AE handle any objections or concerns raised by the prospect during the demo?

[Next Steps Clarity]

Did the AE clearly outline the next steps, ensuring the prospect knows what to expect moving forward?

SDR - Discovery

Just copy and paste these questions into your Demodesk scorecard

Did the Sales Development Representative (SDR) adequately introduce themselves and the company's value proposition?

How well did the SDR ask probing or discovery questions to understand your needs and challenges?

Did the SDR clearly explain how the product or service aligns with your specific needs?

Was the SDR able to handle any objections or concerns you raised effectively?

Did the SDR establish a clear next step for further engagement, such as setting up a meeting with an Account Executive or arranging a product demo?

CSM - Kick-off call

Just copy and paste these questions into your Demodesk scorecard

Was the CSM well-prepared for the discussion, based on the sales handoff?

Did they establish a clear initial agreement and outline a straightforward agenda?

Were onboarding timelines and partnership expectations set appropriately?

Did they explore the customer's main priorities, objectives, and plans in detail?

Did they maintain a strategic and high-level focus throughout the conversation?

Did the CSM engage the customer with open-ended questions consistently?

Was a concrete plan for future interactions put in place?

CSM - Cross-sell/Upsell conversation

​Just copy and paste these questions into your Demodesk scorecard

Do they have a good understanding of the customer's needs and obstacles?

Did they pose probing questions that uncover deeper insights?

Were they fully engaged and actively listening during the conversation?

Did the rep pinpoint how customers could benefit from using your product to grow or achieve their objectives?

If objections arose, were they addressed skillfully?

Was a clear and specific next step established for future engagement?

Support - Support Call

Just copy and paste these questions into your Demodesk scorecard

Did the support agent promptly and clearly identify themselves and ask how they could assist you?

Was the agent able to accurately diagnose the issue you were facing?

How effective was the support agent in guiding you through the steps to resolve your issue?

Did the agent display empathy and active listening skills during the call?

Were next steps or follow-up actions clearly communicated before the call concluded?

How to give feedback

Submit your first meeting

  1. Open a recording from the recording list

  2. Click Give feedback

  3. Selec the scorecard and the feedback recipient

  4. Fill out the rating for each question and consider adding a comment to each question to give more context. The more thorough you are the more helpful it will be for your team.

  5. Fill out the overall rating which is the only required field and add some motivational feedback.

  6. The feedback recipient will receive an email with the overall and your overall comment if applicable.

  7. You did it. Congratulations on your first scorecard! πŸŽ‰

Good to know:

  • Every user who has access to the recording can submit a meeting feedback

  • Only activated meeting scorecards can be selected for feedback

  • Every question will have a quantitative rating option from 1-5 and a comment box to add qualitative feedback.

  • The overall score will be added automatically.

  • Users can delete their own meeting feedbacks. Admins can delete all meeting feedbacks.

  • Host and team members can be selected for a meeting feedback. Shadows are excluded.

  • There is no limits on how many meeting feedbacks can be submitted per recording.

How to get notified about feedback

You will be automatically notified by email whenever someone gives you a meeting feedback. Click on the link to get redirected to the specific recording and feedback.

How to change visibility of meeting feedback

You can control who can see meeting feedback on a recording. In general you will always see the meeting feedback you provided as long as you have access to that recording. Besides that, you can control if only the host, manager, and company admin can view meeting feedback submitted by a scorecard or every teammate with access to the recording. You can set it up in the settings.

How to implement meeting feedback in your sales culture?

  1. Create a meeting scorecard suited for your organization: Begin by crafting a feedback template that encapsulates the core competencies and best practices you want your team to embody.

  2. Bi-weekly Review Session: Let your team pair up bi-weekly to give each other feedback on a recording they pick.

  3. 1-1 feedback: Go through the recordings of your direct report and submit a meeting feedback. Ideally take a recording from an opportunity that is currently a priority.

  4. Continuous Iteration: The beauty of feedback is in its repetition. The more frequently you engage in this process, the more refined your sales techniques become.

Best Practices for Effective Feedback:

  • Be Precise: Aim for clarity. For instance, instead of "Good job on the pitch," say, "Your explanation of the value proposition resonated with the client's needs."

  • Constructive Criticism: Always pair critiques with suggestions for improvement. This ensures the feedback is actionable.

  • Open Dialogue: Encourage a two-way conversation. Feedback should be a dialogue, not a monologue.

  • Embrace Feedback: Receiving feedback is as crucial as giving it. Approach it with an open mind and a willingness to learn.

In Conclusion

The Meeting Feedback Feature is more than just a tool; it's a catalyst for growth, fostering a culture of continuous learning and collaboration. By standardizing the feedback process, we aim to empower each member of the Demodesk family to achieve sales excellence. Let's embark on this journey of growth and excellence together. Happy feedback sharing!


Q: Who can give meeting feedback?
A: Everyone who has a Coaching Plus Add-on or Coaching & AI licenses can give feedback.

Q: Who can get meeting feedback?

A: You can give feedback to the host or any teammate that was part of the meeting.

Q: Is there a limit on feedbacks for a recording?
A: No. Users can give feedback on the same recording multiple times using the same scorecard, however they will be warned that there is already a score.

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