As with all forms of communication, there are rules involved to ensure that communication between you and your recipient is orderly and civilized. One of those email etiquette rules consists of CC (carbon copy) and BCC (blind carbon copy). What do they mean?
CC is an easy way to send copies of an email to other people if you wish everyone to see this explicitly.
BCC sends copies of your email, but you do not want the other recipients to see that you sent it to this contact.
Tip: If you are sending an email to many people, use Bcc, so you don't give away anyone's email address.
Also, in Demodesk, you can insert your CC and BCC recipients by simply clicking on the field when sending out emails.
You can also set fixed CC or BCC recipients in your email template within your Event Type. However, bear in mind, these addresses will be saved when scheduling a meeting with that specific Event Type.
To automate the process of sending invites, we always recommend using Tokens.
For example:
if you wish to send out an invite without your participants knowing who will be part of that meeting, you can add the token "Meeting guests' emails" in BCC. This way, all your guests will automatically be reached out, but their email addresses will remain secret. If you choose this option, take off the token "Guest First Name" in the body of your email. Otherwise, the name of the first guest added to the meeting will appear in the email.
When you are scheduling for someone else, you can add the token "Booker email" in CC to automatically add the booker's email address.
If you wish to learn more about Tokens, take a quick ride on this article.