Setting up Demodesk Tokens

Be in charge of how information flows between Demodesk and integrated apps

Marcel Seibold avatar
Written by Marcel Seibold
Updated over a week ago

This article is outdated, please refer to the updated version:

Demodesk Tokens are a powerful way of governing information flow between Demodesk and integrated apps.

With the example of Salesforce, let's see how we can ask our customers for their company headcount and make this information appear in Salesforce.

If you have not yet set up your Salesforce integration, please take a look here.

Navigate to the Token Page in Demodesk.

We distinguish between System Tokens and Custom Tokens.

System Tokens are the most important and basic pieces of information you might need to personalize emails and capture booking questions with Demodesk. If you have any more specific pieces of information you might want to use, you can always create a Custom Token.

Setting up a new Custom Token is straightforward - give it a name, a description, and a unique identifier ("slug").

You can choose between different types - depending on the information you want to ask.

To link this Token with Salesforce, add a connection and choose the Salesforce object you want this token to be referenced to.

Demodesk supports multiple connections at the same time, allowing you to sync information from one Token to multiple Salesforce objects and fields.

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