Maximum and Minimum Advance Reservation

Set the time range for which your customers can book you in advance

Alina Stoehr avatar
Written by Alina Stoehr
Updated over a week ago

Have you ever felt like a new lead booked you with too short notice and you were not prepared to verify the lead? Or new prospects book you too long in advance but you wish to talk to them sooner?

Sometimes, you might prefer not to get bookings too soon before a certain date – or too far in advance. To avoid those unwanted bookings, Demodesk offers you to set a ‘minimum and/or maximum advance scheduling notice’. That way, you can set the earliest and/or latest available slots for which a guest can make a booking for a certain date. Once you’ve set this restriction, your scheduling page will show your availability accordingly.

Under the Scheduling Page section of your Event Types, you will find the possibility to set some Restrictions:

  • Minimum scheduling notice: 2 hours, 4 hours, ...

  • Maximum scheduling notice: 6 months, 3 months, ...

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