With Demodesk, both host and participant can seamlessly meet in a virtual space, browsing on one website with shared control over the interface.
Why and how to work with a virtual space? We've got the answers:
1. Why should I prefer a virtual screen?
There are multiple advantages to using a virtual screen. For instance:
More engagement from your participant's perspective with shared control
Quicker than regular screen sharing for it requires less processing
You can preselect the content to share and create an efficient co-working platform without the hassle of downloading apps.
Resolution and sharpness are the same between host and guest
How to co-browse with Demodesk
As a host, you can orchestrate whatever happens in the meeting ahead of time without showing anything you do not want to your prospects. This implies that the interface of the host is optimized to fit all the different functions. However, screen sharing will always be ideally displayed for your customers to give them the best possible feeling of your web app.
The traditional way of sharing your local screen has several disadvantages: your guest does not get to interact in your local screen, hence there is no cooperation possible. The guest will not see the screen in the same quality as the host. Moreover, there is always a risk of private notifications popping up into the screen and other personal information you forget to close.
As a fallback for desktop-based software, also Demodesk offers a local screen sharing solution. However, we always recommend using a virtual screen!
How to share a website as a Host
If you are the host, simply click on share > website and type in the website's address you want to share.
Host perspective:
Guest Perspective:
How to let my customers share a website
Either the customer can request to share a website by themselves by simply clicking on the share button at the bottom, or you can ask a specific guest to share a website.
To do so, go to Meeting info, click on the three dots next to the name, choose ask to share, and then website. Your customer will be asked to enter a website, and once that is done, it will appear on your side in the list of open pages. Just click on it, and you will be redirected to the website.
2. How can I reload websites, go back and forward within Demodesk?
During a meeting, you have two different possibilities to move between websites:
Right-click on the slide preview in the sidebar on the left and choose between reloading, moving forward, or backward.
Use the arrows in the top left corner of the virtual screen to move forward, backward, or reload. Be aware, the guest cannot see these signs.
How do I upload files on websites?
You can upload files to the virtual browser during your meeting. Whoever has control can click on the upload button and then upload his documents.
Upload as the host
Click on any upload button on your website
An Upload Overlay will appear.
After uploading, click on Finish.
Other participants will see an overlay with the text "Participant is uploading a file..."
Upload as a participant
Get control from host
Click on any upload button on the website
An Upload Overlay will appear.
After uploading, click on Finish.
Host and other participants will also see an overlay with the text "Participant is uploading a file..."
Important: While the participants upload their files, the message "Participant is uploading a file..." will appear on the host's screen. Don't worry, the upload will still work. Once they click on finish or cancel, the overlay will disappear.
How can I change the website language?
When you want to show your websites in Demodesk in a specific language, you can set the language of the virtual browser. You can either select the standard language or change the language for the running session.
βPlease note: This only affects websites in your playbook and requires that the website offers localized content.
Set the website language for every meeting
Open your settings here.
Change the website language to your preferred language
Click save
Set the website language during a meeting
Click More
Click Website language
Select your preferred language
Please note:
If the website is not shown in another language right away, then try refreshing the website language with click on the refresh icon
If the website is not shown in another language, then it may not support other languages
Note: Sometimes the location in the virtual browser can be different, than the one you intend to have. This is because the virtual browser takes the location of the IP-Adress. In order to circumvent this, there are 3 different options to circumvent this:
Add the location into the Google search
Change it in the search settings.
Use the valentin.app.