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Salesforce integration settings

An overview over all settings when integrating Demodesk & Salesforce

Marcel Seibold avatar
Written by Marcel Seibold
Updated over a year ago

Once your Salesforce account is connected to Demodesk, you can set up the integration on the Internet Accounts page, so it smoothly works with your Salesforce setup.

If you are facing an issue with your integration or you have a question, then checkout the FAQs here.

In essence, you can control whether Demodesk should create the following objects:

  • Events

  • Leads/ Contacts

  • Opportunities

  • Accounts

If you turn the creation of these objects on, we first check if the objects already exist for the given email address to avoid their duplication.

Some of these objects require some fields to be filled as they are created. E.g. you need to set an Expected Close Date and a Stage in order to create an Opportunity.


Precisely that means when scheduling a meeting through a booking page, the integrations first checks if a Lead or Contact for the customer's email address exists already in your Salesforce.

If the creation of an Opportunity and/ or Account is enabled, the integration also checks if a respective object already exists for the Contact/ Lead, and only creates a new one if that is not the case.

If you do not want to create new objects, but only want to update them, disable the creation of new objects, and connect Demodesk tokens to the relevant field in Salesforce. Make sure every user has permission to update this field in Salesforce.

Notes format

For notes taken during a meeting, you can specify whether they should be synced to the event's description (plain text) or if Demodesk should create an event-related note and add the notes there (rich text). Learn more.

Other active sync
If you have different software products interacting with your calendar and Salesforce then this part is for you. This setting is the most common reasons for "I have duplicate events" or "No events get created in Salesforce." See here for more details.

  1. If you select the first option ("No sync of calendar events to Salesforce is active"), then Demodesk will create events in Salesforce

  2. If you select the second option ("Calendar events are synced to Salesforce"), then Demodesk only creates the meeting in the calendar, but not in the CRM. Instead, the sync from the calendar to the CRM creates the meeting in the CRM. Demodesk only “searches” for the meeting in the CRM, and updates it with additional, Demodesk specific data.


By default, we connect some of the system tokens in Demodesk to standard fields in Salesforce. Thus, we sync Guest First Name with Contact/ Lead First Name.

To define a custom connection, you can connect custom tokens in Demodesk to any field of the above objects in the token settings.


A Salesforce Object was not created or updated

If you are an admin, then check out the integration logs. Here it should state the issue why it was not updated or created. If it was not created at all, check if maybe duplicate prevention is active. Find more help here.

How to set the booker as created by in the event

For example, if you want to track SDR activity, then it is helpful if the events in Salesforce get created with the Salesforce user ID of the SDR. You can achieve that by connection the system token Booker Salesforce User.

If you get an error then you need to do these steps:

Step 1: Enable ‘Create Audit Fields’ in Salesforce

  1. Go to Setup.

  2. Search User Interface in Quick Find box and select User Interface.

  3. Ctrl+F/Command +F with keyword ‘Audit’ to
    Select the checkbox for Enable “Set Audit Fields upon Record Creation” and “Update Records with Inactive Owners” User Permissions.

  4. Click Save.

Step 2: Create a Permission set to allow define in audit field

  1. Go to Setup,

  2. Search Permission Sets in Quick Find box and select Permission Sets

  3. Click on New Button to create a new permission set and define label and API name or selected the Current permission set

  4. In page permission in step 3, go to Section Permission and select System Permissions

  5. Click Edit button in SETUP Permission sets page.

  6. Ctrl+F/Command +F with keyword ‘Audit’ to Select the checkbox for Enable “Set Audit Fields upon Record Creation” User Permissions. *This row will not show if you do not enable in Step 1.

  7. Assign user by click button Manage Assigments and add user you allow updated that field

Most common integration log error reasons and how to fix them

💡 The error message will always include which field is impacted, this is your starting point


This happens if the option that is selected for a token is not available in the connected CRM field. If you use a picklist on your field in Salesforce and restrict it to pre-defined options, then please ensure that your token connection has the "copy from CRM" toggle enabled and that all the options that are available in the CRM also available in Demodesk. Learn more here.


This error indicates that a custom validation in Salesforce failed because a field did have an invalid input. Please check your token connections and ensure only valid options are available. Also, check in Salesforce that the custom validation rules are valid. These rules should be used as least as possible, because it impacts the flow of your Salesforce users.

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