How to enable websockets
Marcel Seibold avatar
Written by Marcel Seibold
Updated over a week ago


Websocket technology allows Demodesk to ensure a real-time conversation between you and your meeting participants.

Check websockets support

  1. If voice and video are green you should be able to connect to Demodesk meetings. Try refreshing your browser tab to connect.

  2. If voice and video fail then you should dial-in.

Troubleshooting Websockets

  1. Supported browsers. Confirm that you’re using a supported browser. If you’re not, try using one of those and then check that WebSockets are working (see above).

  2. Virtual Private Network: Make sure you do not use a Virtual Private Network either as application or extension. Try turning it off for the duration of your Demodesk meeting.

  3. Different network: Try another network to connect to Demodesk. Sometimes network configuration blocks certains ports needed by Demodesk.

  4. Proxy servers and firewalls. Check if you have a proxy server or firewall that blocks WebSocket access (you might need your system administrator’s help). Demodesk requires WebSocket connections to * on port 443. You might need to: add an exception to your firewall and/or have your proxy intercept WebSocket connections.Check that WebSockets are working (see above).

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