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How to generate a custom booking link

Generate your custom booking link

Alina Stoehr avatar
Written by Alina Stoehr
Updated over 2 years ago

Demodesk booking links enable your prospects and customers to easily book meetings by themselves. You can create booking links for yourself only or for up to two team members. This ensures that both of them are available.

The procedure is the same, whether you work with an additional team member or not.

When generating a custom booking link, Demodesk allows you to select a second team member, this feature is often used with team members of different groups within the company (e.g. Sales & Customer Success, Business Development & Sales).

Team booking links avoid the manual back and forth between you, your team members, and your prospects.

There are two ways to work with the booking links:

Option 1: Auto Generate the custom Booking link

To use this feature, use our wizard to auto-generate the custom booking link.

You can quickly create booking links when you are at the Meeting Types page. There are two possibilities then. Two options are available at this point. Firstly, you can enter the desired Meeting Type, by clicking on it, and proceed to the booking page section to copy personal Meeting Type links tailored to specific individuals, as illustrated below:

Alternatively, you can in the Meeting Types page:

  • Click on the 3 dots in the top right corner of the desired Meeting Type

  • Go to generate custom booking link

  • Select your Host. You can generate a custom booking link with up to two team members.

  • Copy the booking link and you are ready to go!

Tandem links

How to create tandem booking links

To take into account the availabilities of both you and a team member for when e.g. a Sales Rep and an Account Executive would both like to be in the call, you can create a tandem booking link.

Click on the 3 dots on the top right corner of the meeting type card > Create Custom booking link > select Host > select second team member:

Please note that when using a personal booking link, customers and prospects can schedule meetings with the individual team member selected, while a tandem booking link allows for scheduling with multiple team members. In the case of a tandem booking link, the booking confirmation will be sent to both team members, with one set as the host of the meeting. In addition, if the guest reschedules the meeting, a rescheduling notification will be sent to both team members.

Pro Tip: Accessing custom and personal booking links is convenient with the Demodesk Chrome Extension. You can generate custom booking links without navigating to the Demodesk Meeting Types page, including directly from your calendar, as outlined here

Option 2: Creating the booking manually

Alternatively, you can adjust the booking link manually. Here is what you need to consider:

  • To specify the host and the team member in the URL, add the following parameters:

    • preselectedHost={{host_email_address}}

  • teamMembers={{team_member_email_address}}

  • Attention: Don't forget the question mark ( ? ) before the first and the ampersand ( & ) sign before following parameters.

  • If you want to change the host after the meeting has been scheduled, just hand over the meeting from the Meeting dashboard as detailed in the following article: here

Pro Tip: Adding a personal or tandem booking link as a page to your playbook will help you to secure the next meeting seamlessly.

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